Chemical that is used on site can be tracked and managed within WashConnect, following these steps.
- Add Vendor at Corporate
- Add Wash Solution at the local Site level
- Add a Chemical Product at the local Site level
- Create and Receive a Purchase Order at the local Site level
- Add and Read Chemical Drum Levels at the local Site level
- Chemical Reports
Add Vendor at Corporate:
- Select Vendors > Manage Vendors.
- Click the Add button.
- Required: Type in the Vendor Code and Name.
- Recommended: In the Primary Email and Secondary Email boxes, type in valid email addresses.
- In the Confirm Primary Email and Confirm Secondary Email boxes, type in the valid email address(es) again that you typed in the Primary or Secondary Email boxes.
- In the remaining fields, type any additional information available. Any additional information added will benefit the Purchase Order and Inventory Reports.
- Click the Save button.
The message "Vendor saved successfully" appears. - Click the OK button.
Add Wash Solution at the local Site level:
- Select Chemicals > Wash Solution Setup.
- Click the Add button.
- In the *Wash Solution box, type a unique name of the Wash Solution. (*Required field).
- In the Type box, select Base or Extra.
- If this applies to both Bases and Extras, simply leave the Type as Base and check the services this solution applies to.
- In the Fractional Unit box, choose one of the following options:
- US Ounces
- Imperial Ounces
- Milliliters
- In the Drum Unit box, choose one of the following options:
- US Gallons
- Imperial Gallons
- Liters
Confirm that the Fractional Units Per Drum Unit displays the amount of the Fractional Units in one Drum Unit.
- In the Assign Controller Services list, click to select all Controller Services that this Wash Solution is applicable to.
- If the Wash Solution is activated on both extra and base services, select both the Base and Extra controller services that this Wash Solution activates on.
- Click the Save button.
Add a Chemical Product at the local Site level:
- Select Chemicals > Product Setup.
- Click the Add button.
- In the *Description box, type the name of the Chemical Product. (*Required field.)
- In the Wash Solution box, select a Wash Solution.
- Fill out these fields as needed for your business operations:
- On Hand: The quantity of the Chemical (in Drums) that is currently on site.
- Lead Time: The amount of days it typically takes to receive the order, after an order is placed.
- Maximum level: This is the maximum amount you typically order and is set to prevent accidental entries
- Reorder point: The lowest limit you want the quantity to reach before prompting us to reorder
- In the Unit of Measure box, select a unit from the list.
- In the *Capacity box, type in the capacity of the chemical drum on site. (*Required field.)
- In the Shelf box, type in the storage location of this chemical.
- In the Miscellaneous box, type in any miscellaneous information.
- Click the Add Vendor button.
- In the Select Vendor box, click to select a vendor from the list.
- Click the OK button.
- In the Vendor Part box, enter the vendor part number.
- In the Qty box, type in a quantity.
- In the Cost box, type in the cost.
- Select the Preferred box, if this is the preferred vendor for this product.
- Click the Save button.
Create and Receive Purchase Orders at Local:
This is an optional step that is only needed if you are not using an outside software system for the purchase and reception of inventory items (Such as an ERP). If you do not need to perform this step, please skip to step #5.
- Select Inventory > Purchase Orders > Create/Edit
- Click the Add button.
- Fill out the PO Info section as follows:
- In the Confirmed Date box, select a date.
- In the Promised Delivery Date box, select a date.
- In the Emails Sent Date box, select a date.
- In the Status box, select a Status from the list.
- In the Vendor Info section, click the Add Vendor button.
- From the Select a Vendor dialog box, click to select a Vendor, and then click OK button.
- Fill out the Ship To section as follows:
- Click the Select Address button.
- Click Add a New Address if the address is not listed.
- In the Select Address dialog box, click to select the Address record.
- Click the OK button.
- Fill out the Items section:
- Select the Add Entry button.
- Select all the stock items in this purchase order.
-or- - Click the Auto Generate button. Auto Generate will locate all items, based on the filters selected, that currently have On Hand Quantities below their Reorder Points and will order the quantities needed to stock the items to their maximum quantities.
- Click the OK Button.
- In the Ordered column, type in the amount ordered.
- In the Pck Rate box, type in the quantity of package.
- In the PO Remarks box, type any necessary remarks.
- In the Discount box, type a discount amount.
- In the Tax box, type an amount for tax.
- In the Freight box, type an amount for Freight.
- Click the Save button.
You can Export or email the Purchase Order from the Purchase Order Screen.
After a Purchase Order has been created you are able to receive the purchase order following these steps:
- Select Inventory > Purchase Orders > Receive.
- Click the Receive a Purchase Order button.
- If you do not see the Purchase Order created in the previous step, check the Date Range and Vendor settings.
- In the Tracking Number box, type an available tracking number.
- In the Receiving Options Close PO box, click to select to Close the Purchase Order even if an Open Quantity exists.
- If all quantities were received, click the Receive All button.
- All the open quantities are automatically filled in the Received column.
- If need to clear quantities received, click the Clear Received button.
- In the Received column, you can also type in a manual number of quantity received.
- Click the Save button.
Add and Read Chemical Drum Levels at the local Site level:
Regardless if we are using Purchase Orders in WashConnect to account for the purchase of a chemical, we can still input the Vendor, Wash Solution, and Chemical Product Solution as shown in previous steps. Then we can use the Chemical Usage report to tell the system when we add and replace chemical drums in the system in order to calculate our average price per wash for this chemical.
To add a Chemical Drum to the Usage Report:
- Select Chemicals > Chemical Usage.
- Click to select the Add button.
- From the Wash Solution box, select a Wash Solution type.
- From the Product box, select a Product from the list.
- From the Date/Time Loaded box, click in the box and a calendar menu appears.
- Click to select the date, and slide the Hour and Minute bars to select the correct time.
Click the Now button to select the current time and date. - Click the Done button.
- In the Notes box, add any notes pertaining to the Wash Solution.
- Click the Save button.
To Perform a Chemical Drum Reading (Recommended):
- If you are not already there, select Chemicals > Chemical Usage.
- Click the Add Drum Reading button to create a new record.
- From the Date/Time box, click in the box and a calendar menu appears.
- Click to select the date, and slide the Hour and Minute bars to select the correct time
Click the Now button to select the current time and date. - Specify the amount of Chemical that remains
- This value cannot be greater than the previous drum reading. If you need to add chemical you will need to add a new chemical drum.
- Click the Done button.
- In the Notes box, add any notes pertaining to the Wash Solution reading.
- Click the Save button.
Chemical Reports:
After Chemicals are configured and loaded into the Chemical Usage section, there will be 3 different types of reports/charts you can access. Please refer to the Web Help pages of each for more information.
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